On any given day you will do dozens of tasks – waking up, eating, showering, getting dressed, and about a hundred other things before you go to sleep.
I bet you have wondered about how to say these things in Korean. Well, today we are going to cover the basic vocabulary needed for you to talk about your daily routine in Korean.

Let’s start with the morning routine in Korean:
Afternoon and evening routines:
Sentence structure and examples
Now let’s look at how to use the vocabulary you’ve just learned.
In English, the sentence structure to say you are going to do something is: I am going to______.
In Korean it is a bit different, it works like this:
______ -거예요 (geo-yeyo).
If you want to say something like “I will do the laundry,” in Korean it would be:
빨래를 할 거예요 (bballae-reul hal geo-yeyo).
Try using this structure with other items from the table.
Other Korean vocabulary lists you should check out:
Korean Vocabulary: Jobs and Professions
Korean Emotion Vocabulary: How to Express Your Feelings in Korean
What you learned today should be enough to familiarize you with the vocabulary we use when talking about our daily routine. Try to apply what you learned here to describe your own daily routine and you should see an improvement in your Korean language.