안녕하세요! Annyeonghaseyo! Language in general, may it be English or Korean, uses adverbs to express certain statements. This article will be your guide to know more about Korean adverbs.
Here are the 100 most common Korean adverbs useful in daily life conversations.

Adverbs / 부사 [ Boosa]
Adverbs of manner / 양태 부사 [yangtae boosa]
한글 | Pronunciation | Translation |
좋다 - 좋게 | Johta - johke | Good- well |
나쁘다 - 나쁘게 | Napeuda - napuege | Bad - badly |
귀엽다 - 귀엽게 | Kweyeopta - kweyeopke | Cute - cutely |
아름답다 - 아름답게 | Aruemdapta- aruemdapke | Beautiful - beautifully |
비싸다 - 비싸게 | Bissada - bissage | Expensive - expensively |
싸다 - 싸게 | Ssada - ssage | Cheap - cheaply |
멋지다 - 멋지게 | Meotjida - meotjige | Awesome - awesomely |
강하다 - 강하게 | Ganghada - ganghage | Strong - strongly |
약하다 - 약하게 | Yakhada - yakhage | Weak - weakly |
맛있다 - 맛있게 | Mashita - mashike | Delicious - deliciously |
크다 - 크게 | Keuda - keuge | Large - largely |
길다 - 길게 | Kilda - kilge | Long - lengthily |
짧다 - 짧게 | Dzabta - dzabge | Short- shortly |
넓다 - 넓게 | Neolbta - neolbge | Wide - widely |
작다 - 작게 | Jakta - jakge | Small - little |
밝다 - 밝게 | Balkta - balkge | Bright- brightly |
어둡다- 어둡게 | Eodoopta - eodoopge | Dark- darkly |
둥글다 - 둥그렇게 | Donggeulda - donggeureoke | Round - roundly |
평평하다 - 평평하게 | Pyeongpyeonghada - pyeongpyeonghage | Flat - flatly |
똑바르다 - 똑바르게 | Ttokbareuda - ttokbareuge | Straight - straightly |
행복하다 - 행복하게 | Haengbokhada - haengbokhage | Happy- happily |
피곤하다 - 피곤하게 | Pigonhada - pigonhage | Tired- tiredly |
흥분하다 - 흥분하게 | Heungbonhada - heungbonhage | Excited - excitedly |
훌륭하다 - 훌륭하게 | Hoolyoonghada - hoolyoonghage | Wonderful - wonderfully |
친절하다 - 친절하게 | Chinjeorhada - chinjeorhage | Polite - politely |
기쁘다 - 기쁘게 | Kipeuda - kipeuge | Glad - gladly |
슬프다 - 슬프게 | Seulpeuda - seulpeuge | Sad - sadly |
좋다 - 좋게 | Johta- johke | Good - well |
민감하다 - 민감하게 | Mingamhada - mingamhage | Sensitive - sensitively |
화나다 - 화나게 | Hwanada - hwanage | Angry - angrily |
한글 | Pronunciation | Translation |
완전하다 - 완전히 | Wanjeonhada - wanjeonhi | Complete - completely |
솔직하다 - 솔직히 | Soljikhada - soljikhage | Honest - honestly |
분명하다 - 분명히 | Boonmyeonhada - boonmyeonghage | Obvious - obviously |
우연하다 - 우연히 | Wooyeonhada - wooyeonhage | Coincidental - coincidentally |
확실하다 - 확실히 | Hwakshilhada - hwakshilhage | Sure - surely |
정확하다 - 정확히 | Jeonghwakhada - jeonghwakhage | Exact - exactly |
간단하다 - 간단히 | Kantanhada - kantanhage | Simple - simply |
상당하다 - 상당히 | Sangdanghada - sangdanghage | Considerable - considerably |
천천히 | cheoncheonhi | slowly |
열심히 | Yeolshimhi | zealously |
*Please note that the last two examples differ from the others as they don’t have 하다 and their root word is at it is.
*Adverbs from noun words ending with 적으로 and 으로 / jeogeuro and euro.
한글 | Pronunciation | Translation |
일반 - 일반적으로 | ilban- ilbanjeogeuro | Common- commonly |
기본 - 기본적으로 | Gibon - gibonjeogeuro | Standard - standardly |
기적 - 기적적으로 | Gijeok - gijeokjeogeuro | Miracle- miraculously |
공식 - 공식적으로 | Gongshik - gongshikjeogeuro | Official - officially |
의도 - 의도적으로 | Euydo -euydojeogeuro | Intention - intentionally |
자동 - 자동으로 | Jagong - jadong euro | Automatic - automatically |
수동 - 수동으로 | Soodong- soodong euro | Manual - manually |
사적 - 사적으로 | Sajeok - sajeogeuro | Personal - personally |
전적 - 전적으로 | Jeonjeog - jeonjeogeuro | Whole - wholly |
질적 - 질적으로 | Jiljeog- jiljeogeuro | Qualitative - qualitatively |
Adverbs of time / 시간 부사 [ shigan boosa]
한글 | Pronunciation | Translation |
오늘 | oneul | today |
어제 | eoje | yesterday |
내일 | neyl | tomorrow |
지금 | jogeum | now |
나중에 | najoongye | later/ after a while |
오늘 밤 | Oneul bam | tonight |
매일 | meyl | Everyday / daily |
주간 | Joogan | Every week / weekly |
매년 | menyeon | Every year / yearly |
마침네 | machimne | finally |
곧 | gwot | soon |
전에 | jeone | before |
후에 | hoowe | after |
이미 | imi | already |
아직 | ajik | yet |
Adverbs of place / 장소 부사 [ jangso boosa]
한글 | Pronunciation | Translation |
안에 | ane | inside |
밖에 | bakke | outside |
여게 | yeoge | here |
저게 | jeoge | that |
거게 | geoge | there |
위에 | wiye | above |
밑에 | mitte | below |
앞에 | ape | In front |
뒤에 | dwiye | At the back |
실네 | shilne | indoor |
야외 | yawe | outdoor |
까까에 | kakaye | near |
멀에 | meole | far |
위쩍 | widzeok | left |
오른쩍 | oreundzeok | right |
Adverbs of frequency / 빈도 부사 [ bindo boosa]
한글 | Pronunciation | Translation |
항상 | hangsang | always |
까끔 | kakeum | sometimes |
자주 | jajoo | often |
한번씩 | hanbeonshik | Once in a while |
절대 | jeolte | never |
때때로 | ttettero | occasionally |
규칙적으로 | kyoochikjeogeuro | regularly |
보통으로 | Botong euro | normally |
습관적으로 | seupgwanjeogeuro | habitually |
드물게 | deumoolge | rarely |
Adverbs in never changing forms
한글 | Pronunciation | Translation |
꽤 | kkwe | quite |
많이 | manhi | plenty |
아주 | ajoo | very |
일부러 | ilbooreo | intentionally |
함부로 | hambooro | thoughtlessly |
꼭 | kkok | must |
반드시 | bandeushi | At all cost |
갑자기 | gapjagi | suddenly |
틀림 없이 | Teulim eopshi | certainly |
바로 | baro | immediately |
Way to go! As we can notice, though the language is different, English and Korean adverbs uses and roles are quite similar. Such as, changing the word endings. As well as having different types of adverbs.
Just like English, Korean language also has its exceptions to the rules. Meaning, not only the words with suffix -ly are considered as adverbs. But be reminded that not all Korean words ending with 게 are adverbs, some of them are prepositions,nouns and pronouns.
So please stay on track and we will do our best to provide an easy way to enhance your Korean language skills with so much fun! Don’t forget to share with everyone on Facebook, Twitter or send to your friends’ email.
Suggestions for the next topic are very much welcome. 안녕!